This makes me think of how comprehensive and important we perceive the social media profile to be, though a ‘profile’ only describes a two dimensional shape, an outline or a ‘facet’ like you said. loved reading!
thank you! and I totally agree, that’s really true. what you said reminds me of how when I used dating apps in college I would only be able to use a guy’s profile there, and their Instagram or whatever else, to come up with what I thought their personality was - it’s much harder to like someone irl if you’ve dreamed up their ideal personality from the internet already! lol
This makes me think of how comprehensive and important we perceive the social media profile to be, though a ‘profile’ only describes a two dimensional shape, an outline or a ‘facet’ like you said. loved reading!
thank you! and I totally agree, that’s really true. what you said reminds me of how when I used dating apps in college I would only be able to use a guy’s profile there, and their Instagram or whatever else, to come up with what I thought their personality was - it’s much harder to like someone irl if you’ve dreamed up their ideal personality from the internet already! lol